
The real mystery is that this initially occurred when you removed the KPA100 to tighten the PA transistor screws. I really would not think that would trigger a component failure, so I encourage you strongly to look for a bad solder connection. Be certain the wire from the center of the SO239 to hole 6 of the T4 connections is in place and well soldered - that one is easily overlooked. Do the rest of the T4 connections look 'like mountains, but not volcanoes'? Re-strip if they have that volcano appearance. You might also check R28 and R29 too. A bad capacitor is a difficult thing to find - fortunately they are not encountered often, but check anyway.

Measure the resistance from the wiper of R26 to ground - it should be close to 43k. A possibility is that R26 itself was ready to fail - it perhaps worked until it was touched.

You could possibly use some other diode at D16 and D17, but I don't know the response characteristics vs. frequency. The 1N4148s will work fine down to about the 2 watt level, I don't know how low you wish to have accurate power control and indication. Elecraft will likely send you 1N5711s if you can't find them locally.


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