I jsut loaded the latest beta firmware and the strange audio stlll remains. Thanks to all who made comments and suggestions.
Jack, W3TMZ
----- Original Message ----- From: "Jack Colson" <jcols...@tampabay.rr.com>
To: <elecraft@mailman.qth.net>
Sent: Sunday, December 14, 2008 8:39 PM
Subject: [Elecraft] Strange problem when switching modes from VFO A to B

I have VFO A programmed for CW on each band, VFO B programmed for SSB (makes no difference which sideband ). Power up the K3 on VFO A then switch over to VFO B and the signal generated is extremely distorted and sounds like it is being transmitted via a very narrow filter. To correct this problem simply switch the mode from L or USB to CW and back again to L or USB. Audio is then restored to normal. I have the filters programmed correctly, the 2.7KHz filter is used for transmit. I am using the ESSB mode with a 4 KHz filter. This problem is independent of band.

I mentioned this to Gary who passed it onto Lyle and who was unable to make it happen. I am using firmware 2.38 DSP 1.92. I am waiting for an update which will fix the turn on audio spike before updating.

Any suggestions ? It is just a nuisance getting a report of who is that calling!!!

Jack, W3TMZ
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