Happy Christmas, all.

What better time than the final hours of Christmas Eve to apply the mod, 
recently described by Wayne, that prevents damage to the audio output chip if a 
mono jack is inadvertently plugged into ext. sp. instead of a stereo jack?

Before commencing, I decided to locate C2 and C3, the two 470uF AF output 
coupling capacitors on the circuit diagram - and that's where I came off the 
rails.  I can't find them!  I know they are physically on the main RF board and 
sit between the AF amp on the DSP board and the KIO3, but scrutinising the maps 
has taken up a couple of hours, and I've become obsessed with finding them.

Can anyone please help put me out of my misery?.......pass the bottle, please!

Season's Greetings to all and TIA.

Dave L  G3TJP
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