Dick K6KR sed:
>  If you're moving up in version numbers, for example as you're doing today,
then uninstall is not required before install.  Just close the K3 Utility
before trying to replace it. 

I must disagree.  I have just performed the install routine for K3 Utility and have found (as I found with earlier installs) that the old 
executable file K3Util.exe was not replaced by the install routine.

I use Win 98SE.  After an install over version, I find the following 
files in my Program Files\Elecraft K3 Utility directory:
UNINST~1 EXE        64,512  10-18-03  4:58p uninstall.exe
K3UTIL   EXE       196,608  10-17-08  3:17p K3Util.exe
K3UTIL   CHM       570,088  12-22-08  4:26p K3Util.chm
SETUP    LOG         1,784  12-25-08 10:32a setup.log

As I have encountered this in the past, I am confident that an uninstall 
followed by a reinstall will solve the problem.  But the uninstall is 
necessary, at least for my Win 98SE system.

73, Paul W8TM

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