PTT RLS is the delay between you releasing the PTT and the K3 changing
from TX to RX. It is used in ARQ data modes such as Amtor or Pactor to
allow time to clear the data from the TX (DSP introduces delays in the
K3 IF). The values are in milliseconds, typically set to 012 for using
an SCS PTC Pactor modem. If you don't use Amtor or Pactor leave it set
to the default of 020. All these commands are explained on the K3 by
pressing DISP when in the menu.

73 Dave, G4AON
K3/100 #80

In "CONFIG "menu, i've modified, by error, the "PTT RLS" parameter;
old value was ??? and now i've set to "002".
I don't find on my K3 (#1212) manual rev C1 the use of
this parameter. I know i could reset to the previous
parameter setting, but i would prefer to know the
significance of "PTT RLS".

Thank you for your help.

An Happy New Year!

73 QRO fr Rudolf, HB9ARI
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