I finally measured the drift that I'm seeing with my K3. I tracked this
using the AFC function of Digipan while monitoring the carrier of WWV at 10
Mhz. Upon power up, I see a drift to higher frequencies of 36 Hz over the
first 90 seconds, then over the next 5-10 minutes the rig drifts much more
slowly downward towards the original power up frequency.

This was for a cold K3 in my 52F basement shack. I calculate a drift of 3.6
ppm which is within the spec of the 5 ppm TCXO.

Steve N9SZ

-----Steven Zabarnick/Research/FacStaff/UDayton wrote: -----

To: elecraft@mailman.qth.net
From: Steven Zabarnick/Research/FacStaff/UDayton
Date: 12/30/2008 10:15AM
Subject: K3 drift

During the past week I have noticed my K3 drifting during the first 20
seconds after power up. I hadn’t noticed this previously in my three month
old K3 (SN 1672), so I’m wondering if this is normal? With winter here it
is colder in my basement shack (maybe down 55 F), so perhaps that could
explain the drift.

I haven't measured the drift, but definitely have not noticed it in the

Does anyone else observe this drift? Is this normal during warmup?

Steve N9SZ
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