As I stated earlier, I have/had a similar problem reported back in
November, but didn't get anywhere with a solution.  Some recently
mentioned turning off the internal RTTY decoder (TEXT DEC) or Dual PB
filters improved their problem.  I'm finally back at my rig today and
was ready to try some older firmware versions, but the first thing I
did was to try turning off the internal RTTY decoder and MY PROBLEM IS
FIXED!!  This is with the latest firmware, 276/198.

I found something strange....on 10M, the signal is fine even if the
decoder is turned on, but it's bad on 15/20/40/80 with the decoder on
and fine with it off.  Maybe this can help Lyle/Wayne troubleshoot the

Chad WE9V

On Fri, Jan 2, 2009 at 8:03 AM, Doug Alspaugh <> wrote:
> Lyle,
> With the current (276/198) I am not able to adjust the sound card input for
> a clean signal no matter how low I set the drive. I get the clicking sound
> in the monitor output and if I listen on a second rig I can hear clicking by
> tuning just off freq. I also tried 273/198 and got the same results. However
> I can get a clean output using 267/196. Takes very careful adjustment. I get
> one solid bar  and one flickering bar on the ALC meter. One more click of
> input from the sound card and the clicking starts. With the proper
> adjustment the output sonds clean on my second radio.
> 73 Doug N3QW
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