Hi Joe...

Yes, I'm sure a K4 (or how about a K88 so the SE Asia guys would buy
in big time) could be "easily" made.  In fact, for "that" group, it
might make sense to price it even higher than "theirs"...say $15 or
$20k.  You know, when you get into the upper tiers of any market, it's
the HIGH PRICE that convinces folks that it's good.  And if it really
is good (as I'm sure the K88 would be), then bingo.  Tons of profit
margin....with a concomitant lower volume.  It all balances out.

However, if you look at the track record of Elecraft, they appear to
be very good at identifying very tiny niche markets (although the K3
seems to have a wide appeal...wider than expected?).  Somehow,
competing "head to head" with a "big" radio doesn't seem to fit the
"Eric/Wayne" approach.

As I recall (it's probably on their web site somewhere), the K3 was
targeted to be a "high performance, very portable, light weight"
radio...with some very neat features too.  They have certainly
achieved that.  If I were them (which I am not), I'd be focusing on
refining what I have (which they are obviously doing).  It is probably
just a matter of time before the FT9009 and IC7878 come out, using
nearly identical receiver design approaches to those used in the K3
(and Orion).  Citing my own previous post today, this could be the
Trophy wife with four PhD degrees.  It's got to be only a matter of
time.  Of course, it will still be a BIG, HEAVY radio, taking up lots
of real estate and providing lots of future opportunity for
Herniorrhaphy surgeons.  The K3 will still have its niche market.

Okay..end of make-believe "I can see the future" diatribe.  :-)

de Doug KR2Q
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