A great source of information on RFI is found on our sister reflector 
Contesting - RFI

You can sign up or peruse the already published info. It's helped me 
overcome some real RFI difficulties and I've offered some help there 
myself. Like this Elecraft reflector, it's participant intensive.


> Adam,
> If you suspect a local source for the noise, you might consider 
> making an mp3 recording of it. There are some hams out there who 
> have a LOT of painful experience chasing down noise sources and have 
> become pretty good at identifying the sounds. I'm sure there are 
> some of those experts here on the Elecraft reflector, as well as on 
> the Contesting reflector. You could upload the mp3 file to your 
> website and forward the links.
> 73,
> Dave AB7E
>     -------- Original Message --------
>     Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Using K3's Pre-amp
>     From: "Adam Koczarski" <ka7...@ka7ark.com>
>     Date: Mon, January 12, 2009 8:47 am
>     To: <elecraft@mailman.qth.net>
>     I just ran a noise experiment at my QTH yesterday. My typical noise 
>     is s7.0
>     S6.5 s7.5 on 80m, 40m & 20m respectively. With every circuit in the 
>     house
>     off, except the one the radio is on, and with only the power supply 
>     and the
>     radio on that one circuit the noise is s4.0 S4.75 s5.0. I turned on 
>     circuits
>     one at a time and recorded to S level jump for each. The 'home 
>     entertainment
>     center' seems to be the biggest contributor so I'll start there. Now 
>     I just
>     need to figure out how the switch off the neighborhood transformers 
>     and
>     silence my neighbors! :)
>     I have some fairly large power lines across the street. Are they 
>     usually
>     strong contributors to noise?
>     You can see the resulting data here:
>     http://www.ka7ark.com/20080111QTHnoise/pics.html
>     Adam - ka7ark

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