
A bit of explanation may help:

When you transmit using FSK D, your RTTY program generates characters in the
5-bit Baudot (Murray) code at 45.45 bps and keys the FSK keying line to send
that code by shifting the transmitter's frequency between two frequencies
170 Hz apart. 

PSK31 uses a completely different code (called Varicode) with
variable-length characters sent at 31.25 bps, which is used to modulate a
single frequency using phase-shift keying. The PSK31 software that is
commonly used with other radios generates PSK31 at audio frequency in a
sound card, needs an audio cable between the sound card line out and the
K3's line in, and uses the K3's DATA A mode.

I know of no application software that generates Varicode on a keying line
instead of using an audio signal. If you use an RTTY program to key the
radio in PSK D mode, no-one will be able to decode it because as far as I
know there is no software available to decode Baudot characters modulated
using phase-shift keying. 

According to the help file, the K3 Utility can send PSK31 by sending ASCII
characters to the K3 over the RS-232 cable. In PSK D mode the K3's firmware
converts from ASCII to Varicode and phase-shift modulates the transmitted
signal. This would require no additional interfacing other than the serial
connection, although it would not actually use the cable you have connected
to the ACC port.

Note as well that in all three cases (FSK D, PSK D and DATA A), the normal
way to receive data signals without additional hardware is by decoding audio
with a sound card. The audio cable from the K3's line out to the sound card
line in is all you need to do this, and provided your software is capable
and set properly for the mode being decoded, you can use this same setup to
receive in all data modes. In FSK D and PSK D the K3 is also capable of
doing the decoding in the radio and sending the data to the computer as
ASCII over the RS-232 cable, but other than the K3 Utility there is no
software available to use this capability as far as I am aware.

Rich VE3KI
K3 #1595

WK4Y wrote:

I have a digital question.

I am using the ACC port on the K3 to do RTTY (FSK D).  I have a box that was

made for me with the appropriate parts for this function.  The cable with 
the box from the ACC is connected to a com port on the computer.  Also I 
have a audio cable (Stereo) connectors on each end going from the Line out 
of the K3 to the Line In on my desktop computer.  It works very well on 

I decided to try PSK, and have tried the following method without success.

Since theis cable worked with RTTY in FSK-D  I thought it should work for 
PSK.  I tried the same setup with the K3 with DATA MD set to PSK-D 31 bps. 
I am able to transmit a signal but I have been told there is no printout on 
the receive end.

Any help is appreciated.

Roy - WK4Y

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