In a recent message, Bob Boehmer <> wrote ...
>When I removed the battery I discovered that the negative terminal and
>crimp on connector were badly corroded.

>I assume that over time I cooked the battery and caused the leak.
>So anybody who leaves their K2 battery float charging may want to open
>up the rig and verify the actual voltage at P3 instead of relying on
>the K2 display.  (Or set the input voltage to the K2 to 14.1V to 14.2V
>as recommended in the KBT2 manual.)

Bob - Someone may correct me on this, but I believe the original 14.1 to 
14.2V specified was when early models of the K2 used an SB530 Shottky 
diode for polarisation protection. This was later changed to a 95SQ015 
which provided a lower voltage drop.  With that diode I run my K2 with 
14.0V at the power input terminals and my original battery lasted for 
seven years with no leakage problems.

David G4DMP
Leeds, England, UK

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