Hi Wayne
I'll second that. Dave G4AON kindly sent me an old version of the 
firmware so that AM would work again.  For the K3 to be viable as an AM 
TX it needs to behave the same way as a boat anchor rig. My KW Vanguard 
uses two 6L6s to modulate a 6146B. The modulation is excellent. My 
706MK11 does a very good job on AM also.

Whilst looking at this, could you look again at the FM transmit, which 
sounds woefully thin compared to my rice boxes set on FM narrow. The 
audio has no body and tends to sound snatchy on peaks.
No complaints whatsoever about RX in either mode. Be nice to get the 
Synchronous AM after playing with Dave's Perseus over the internet.

John Petters
Amateur Raduio Station G3YPZ www.traditional-jazz.com

Randy Downs wrote:
Speaking of AM, how is everyone setting the K3 up for AM now? I used to 
have good luck with it many Firmware updates ago. The last time I tried 
it, several upgrades ago, I was not pleased  with it on tx.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Dave G4AON" <elecr...@astromag.co.uk>
To: <elecraft@mailman.qth.net>
Sent: Monday, January 19, 2009 3:33 PM
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Elecraft K-3 SSB and AM Squelch

Can you also look at putting AM compression back at this time too?

73 Dave, G4AON
K3/100 #80
I just moved it up on the list. Probably next month.


John Petters
Amateur Raduio Station G3YPZ www.traditional-jazz.com

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