I imagine that one possible reason why someone might choose to NOT use 
their callsign is to be able to speak their thoughts without fear of 
recrimination or retribution. It is not necessarily cowardly but perhaps 
more 'avoiding personal confrontation.' ... because there are hams who 
will confront! It shouldn't bother us as a group to experience 
dissenting viewpoints... some of them may ultimately prove to be valid 
and eventually help the K3 evolve even further.... others may prove to 
me misguided... or simply selective to personal choice.

I read this reflector or at least scan the digest of the reflector 
daily... the same as I do other radios that I am interested in or own. I 
also read the reviews on eHam daily too... although I find those reviews 
generally rather polarized 'me too' statements generally rather than 
ultimately informative, but every once and a while new information comes 
out. I am fascinated with the K3 and Elecraft and a company but haven't 
as yet decided that my station would be sufficiently improved enough to 
justify the additional expense (I happily use an Orion). So as a 
non-owner there is very little I can judge... so I read and ponder.

Keep up the great work Elecraft!

Jerry, KG6TT

Ralph Jerald "Jerry" Volpe
Amateur Radio Operator KG6TT
ARRL Member & VE
FISTS 12304

788 Chestnut Drive
Fairfield, CA 94533


510 325-7724
707 399-8838 FAX

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