Yes I´m beginning to think that K3 is more sensitive to PS
then other radios, right now it looks that way.
Then this should be in the manual!!!
What happens is if I have a bad signal on the bands I will
together with Elecraft get a bad reputation. I will of course
tell everyone what I´m running and do have it operating
exactly according to the manual.

If this PS deal is the case with the K3 I quite understand
and it´s no problem to me what so ever but it should be
in the operating manual. Every user of a K3 should not
need to be a super engineer and have to figure out things
like this them self.

This morning I increased PS voltage to 14.6V (14.2) under load,
I was at 13.9V (13.5 load) before, I could see a "slight"
improvement in IMD (1-2 dB). I am using the supplied high
performance cable from Elecraft and IMO it does not have
enough Cu area. Next But if Elecraft supplies it and it´s
not good enough, what can I say?

/ Jim SM2EKM
AD6XY wrote:
> Everyone knows it is important for the K3/100 to receive a solid DC supply.
> If the supply drops significantly when high current is drawn several effects
> may occur:
> 1 - The Transmitted signal becomes wider than it should be
> 2 - The power control loop is upset leading to unstable output power
> 3 - In severe cases the radio might shut down, or engage sulk mode.
> Of course this does not apply to us, we are all experienced constructors and
> never make mistakes when wiring up our shacks. Like many people I run my K3
> from a 13.8V DC supply that also supplies other items, in my case XV
> transverters, an LP100, an LDG ATU etc. This supply is very good (tnx BNOS,
> 1980s) and only varies by a few 10s of mV between no and full load.
> Originally when installing my K3/10 I used the supplied DC cable via a
> powerpole distribution board with an appropriate fuse. In fact this
> particular board had two fuses, one 30A one at the input and one at the
> output plus around 1 metre of thick cable to the supply. This worked fine. 
> Later I upgraded to the 100W KPA3, and of course changed the fuse in the
> distribution board. The DC voltage drop according to the K3 at 20A was over
> a volt, much no doubt due to the fuses and extra connections through the
> distribution board. A 1 volt drop is not a problem for the K3 but will cause
> more IMDs on SSB. 
> I now connect the K3 directly to the PSU with as short a DC cable as is
> practical. It would be even better to use voltage sensing so the supply is
> regulated at the K3 end of the cable.
> Mike

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