Not as much fun as making CONFIG:ALARM wake me up and start the coffee.. 
but tempting to try.. (ala Wallace and Gromit)


That reminds me.. not to forget...  Not sure if it got on the list since 
the LyleFest in Mt. Vernon...

Really could very much use a MENU setting that quells VFO-B from reverting 
to anything other than decoded message when decoding is enabled.  My short 
term memory has it's own QSB and after the other station wizzes by, if I 
don't copy it I lose it.  I hate losing it. Maybe I already lost it.. Who 
are you again?

I fully appreciate the intent of the original design.  I don't wish to 
take away the original design, just request that if so configured, the 
decoded message remains un-changed by the apparent time-out to bring back 
whatever the DISP writes to VFO-B.

And for release MCU 4+, maybe pause, rewind and replay in text only, not 
KDVR-style.  I don't know if Elecraft realizes how bees knees the decoder 
"widget we made for fun" turns out to be.  It's cool. Make it cooler!

And to nip it in the bud, I will not use a PC to 'cw-get'.  I operate the 
K3 and just the K3.


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