
240 ma is quite normal for receive current on a K2.
However, I just measured the resistance from RF board U6 to ground on 2 
K2s and found the normal resistance is about 240 ohms.

I also tried checking the current draw when the dit key is held down 
(power set to zero and the keying input set to HAND) - the current 
increase is a bit over 20 ma., so I can't explain why you are seeing 
only 160 ma - unless your keying input is set to paddles, and then it is 
possible that the changing display numbers are not settling fast enough 
to give you a valid reading.


John wrote:
> Hello all K2 users.
> I'm trying to track down a problem on the rf board.
> Pin 8 of U6 shows a resistance of approx 50 ohm when it's supposed to 
> be greater than 100 ohms.
> I've gone ahead and assembled the rest of the kit and I am not happy 
> with the amount of current
> it draws, approx 240 mils.
> I notice that when listening to WWV at 10 megs if I hit the "dit" key, 
> the current drops to 160 mils.
> Anyone else see that?
> I wonder what part of the circuit is dropped when the key is closed 
> and if it's the 8B line, (where I'm
> seeing the low resistance.)
> I know I can use it the way it is but it's really not what I'd like to 
> use if it draws more current than it's
> supposed to.
> Don and Gary have offered advice and I wonder if anyone else could 
> shed more light on
> locating the problem of low resistance.
> Nothing is getting overly warm, that I can find.
> Thanks.
> John.
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