In addition to risk and complexity, there are other factors that can
have a bearing on what one would do "next"
This list is a tremendous source of new ideas.  Some of them are new &
novel and you want to stay open to those.  Another factor is experience.
The more we use our K3s the more we learn about what really needs to be
fixed and what isn't so important.  Some features that were envisioned
(envisaged?) from the start may have seemed important but time has shown
that they aren't so critical after all, but something unforeseen is.
Combine that with the complexity and risk issues and you can have a
seeming randomness to the changes.
Of course, it could be that SW development at Elecraft is pretty much
out of control.  It could be that features are worked in random order
depending on the whim of the implementer.  It could be that things are
done in an informal, undocumented, under-tested sort of way.  It could
be that the process relies almost entirely on the heroics of the
individuals doing the work.  In other words, they could be following the
industry standard model for SW development.  If so, I predict the rate
of changes will slow as the code architecture becomes a limiting factor
and as changes upon changes begin to take their toll.
- Keith N1AS -
- K3 711 -


[] On Behalf Of Monty Shultes
Sent: Friday, January 30, 2009 11:04 AM
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] K3- pace of development

Having some experience with amateur repeater control software and other
systems, it usually happens that some new features are particularly easy
to implement while others are particularly hard.  This is unrelated to a
user's perception of complexity or desirability, and relates more to
firmware design decisions that were made long ago.  After "a while",
maintaining the existing software becomes more onerous than a complete
This might explain some of the apparent hap-hazard release of K3
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