Today, I could pick up the time signal on 20 MHz and did the setup with 
moving the probe between tp1 and tp2 to get the readings the same.
It seems spot on now, and I was in a qso on 80 meters and was right on 
frequency on both TX and RX.
Same report as far as the audio goes, restricted but clean.
Its likely to sound a bit better with a real microphone.
The station I was talking to sounded VERY nice using an external speaker.

I have been told the variable xtal filter looks bad on ssb with spectrogram, 
and assume that is normal.

I am really pleased with the K2 and the ssb part of it also.

Who needs a K3!


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Don Wilhelm" <>
To: "Brett Gazdzinski" <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2009 10:36 PM
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] K2 freq calibration...

> Brett,
> You ask several questions, and I will delay on all of them except the one 
> about calibration.
> You are relying on too many variables when setting the 4 MHz reference 
> oscillator.
> To reduce those variables, use the "N6KR" method that is documented at 
>  If you 
> can tune WWV accurately, all other variables are cancelled out by that 
> method.
> You may also find helpful information in the K2 Dial Calibration article 
> on my website  For your restriceted SSB audio, consider the 
> comments in that article about the low frequency corner of the SSB filter 
> passband carefully - 300 Hz is the 'magic' frequency.
> After you get the dial calibration correct (within 20 Hz or less), ask 
> about the other items.
> 73,
> Don W3FPR
> Brett Gazdzinski wrote:
>> I am having a hard time getting the frequency calibration on my K2 closer 
>> than 80 Hz.
>> I set the osc to exactly 4Mhz, plus or minus a Hz on the pro3 switching 
>> between usb and lsb, it also agrees with the HP spectrum analyzer, I then 
>> run the cal pll, and the bfo calibration, and when tuning in ssb signals, 
>> they sound normal 80 or more Hz higher than they should (as tuned in on 
>> the pro 3).
>> Is this as good as it gets on ssb?
>> I have compared CW signals between the two rigs and they are very close, 
>> within about 10 Hz on 80 meters anyway.
>> It seems the freq counter, pll cal, and bfo all sort of interact, but if 
>> the freq counter calibration is spot on, why the 80 Hz difference?
>> (80 Hz is as close as I have gotten it in many attempts)
>> Also, is it normal for the non ssb filters to look SO bad on 
>> spectrogram??
>> I got the ssb option on Tuesday, it was done Tuesday night, the antenna 
>> tuner was done Wednesday, no problems with them, no missing parts, no 
>> issues, I made my first ssb contact yesterday on 80 meters using the hand 
>> mic from the pro 3.
>> SSB from the K2 sounds good in the pro 3, the report I got said it 
>> sounded a bit restricted, the hand mic sounds poor on the pro 3...
>> What would be a nice sounding microphone to use with the K2?
>> Also, I have been thinking of taking down the home made G5RV and trying 
>> an alpha delta dx-lb plus (160 through 10), the G5RV does not seem to 
>> work as good as the 40 meter dipole on 40, and its likely worse on other 
>> bands...
>> Anyone got anything bad to say about the dx-lb plus, I know its not as 
>> good as a full size 160 m antenna, but I have about 110 feet max between 
>> trees.
>> I sure am enjoying the K2!
>> Brett
>> N2DTS

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