My K3 sounds great on BCB/SW AM reception - in fact I'm listening to it
right now.  I have the FM filter and the DSP BW cranked up to the maximum.
It reads 10 KHz, but I am using far from the latest version of firmware.

I'm using the West Mountain Comspkrs on the rear speaker jack.  They are
powered speakers, but work just fine with the audio level on the speaker
output.  This allows me to control the volume with the K3 audio gain and the
stereo output nicely showcases the AFX effects.   I can highly recommend
these speakers - quite a value for the $ and supposedly shielded for RF.  I
have a single Fostex 6301B connected to the line out for a "center channel".
This allows for a variable insertion of some additional high end to brighten
up the sound if desired.  The overall effect is quite pleasing.  I also use
it sometimes for casual operating, but always phones for contesting.

The only popping/clicking issue I know of is if you have the noise blanker
or noise reduction engaged with a strong (20 over 9 or above) signal.  Keep
them off.

                ... Craig  AC0DS 

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