This is a seductive argurment, but it's specious.  People have been
talking a long time, so why can't they use cell phones while driving?

The problem is that doing anything other than driving while you're
driving leads to inattention or distraction -- and a dramatic increase
in the likelihood of a wreck.  You may feel that you're not like other
people, you can tell when you're not driving well, and you can handle
it.  Drunk drivers think that way too.

I like the idea of mobile CW, and I admire the people who can do it.
But I'm not going to do it myself.

    Peter N8MHD

On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 11:40 PM, <> wrote:
> Your inability to perceive the problem is (likely) directly proportional to 
> the years you have been doing code. ;)
> I did code mobile for the first time recently. Coming back from dropping my 
> son off at Camp Lejeune. It was the New Eng. QSO party.  My paddles were the 
> buttons on the mic of a 706.  It was lots of listening up front. Then just 
> reply to their call.
> I didn't try running a freq while driving.  You have to save something to 
> shoot for.
> David Wilburn
> NM4M
> Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ".k8dd." <>
> Date: Fri, 07 Aug 2009 17:43:55
> To: Grant Youngman<>
> Cc: Elecraft_List Reflector<>
> Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Off-Topic:  CW sending vs. recieving speed
> I've never understood that line of thought.
> Why would you take target practice at little tykes?  That's unreal.
> On the other hand people will talk on cell phones while driving and
> people will pick up a microphone and talk on 2m.  That's all ok.  But
> talk about talking on cw ..... You don't have a cell phone or a
> microphone to drop if things go wrong - just take your hand off the key
> or paddle and let it sit there.
> And what's the difference between copying phone or CW in your head?
> That's not an argument either!
> I've just never understood the comments that get made about mobile CW.
> 73     :^]
> Hank    K8DD
> Grant Youngman wrote:
>> Hmmm .. I can't use my cell phone when driving through a school zone
>> here, even with a hands-free.  I wonder if I could get away with
>> taking target practice at the little tykes walking to school while
>> sending mobile CW :-)
>> Grant/NQ5T
>>> always sent around 25-30 WPM. I could never send as well as I could
>>> copy
>>> when mobile, due to the car bouncing off potholes, other vehicles,
>>> etc.
>>> ;-) As I got older, my sending speed fell below my copy speed even at
>>> home.  Regardless, unless I get a QRS request, I assume someone
>>> answering my CQ can copy the speed I used.
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