Try most recent firmware for some new NR on the K3.

In general are you talking about CW or SSB or both?  If SSB, I find
that the controlling aspect of close signals is transmitted splatter,
which no receiver can do anything to improve. Some really poor front
ends make that worse.

Will your Icom's nullify key clicks from adjacent clicky signals?

IC7600  $4000 US
IC7700  $8484 US
IC7800  $10600 US

Total     $23,084 US

Lot of money just to argue with K3 owners on the Elecraft reflector.

Interesting that you don't see any difference between the 7800
performance and a K3. As in math, there is no advantage to placement
for two things on either side of an equals sign.  As to the "heard"
performance with the better RX lab numbers, I'd have to say that I
only hear a differential in really bad CW situations in contests. It's
also abundantly clear that "heard" performance varies widely between
individuals and I don't think anyone is telling deliberate lies. That
is to say that if you say they sound the same to you, then they sound
the same to you.

Neither do I think Sherwood is telling any lies.  I don't think he has
a dog anywhere in that fight.

I note that Icom says outright that the 7600 is the replacement for
the Pro III and "improved the in-band IMD (Inter Modulation
Distortion) significantly over the IC-756PRO3."  For a disadvantage
they swore for years the Pro line didn't have, that's an interesting
admission.  Wonder what brought that on...

Maybe the 7600 is a really good rig for the dough, maybe they left
some things out.  Time will tell.

The other thing about a 7600, can you get it in a kit?

73, Guy.

On Sat, Sep 5, 2009 at 8:35 PM, Johnny Siu<> wrote:
> Hello Gentleman,
> I fully understand that Sherwood list is of high regard among many hams.
> Regrettably, I really do not experience what should be expected after 
> studying Sherwood list.  In particular, I am referring ic7800, ic7700, ic7600 
> Vs K3.  All these 3 icom rigs are now in my stack and ready to do A/B 
> comparison with K3 at any time.  I do not see any day and night difference 
> among them even in the recent IARU contest.  Bearing in mind, Hong Kong is 
> small and 1Kw big guns are everywhere (even within line of sight) under 
> contest condition.
> On the other hand, there are distinct characterists between K3 and Icom rigs. 
>  Personal preference and operation easiness would play in these areas.
> I am pleased to see that Elecraft keeps on improving the firmware which 
> should bring more operation easiness and smoother learning curve.  I would 
> expect further improvement in the Noise Reduction function of K3.
> If you feel this email offensive, please press your "delete" button.
> 73
> Johnny VR2XMC
> K3 + K2 s
> ________________________________
> 寄件人﹕ Mike Harris <>
> 收件人 Don Rasmussen <>;
> 傳送日期﹕ 2009 年 9月 6 日 星期日 上午 2:06:21
> 主題: Re: [Elecraft] [K3] K3 VS 7600 Sherwood List
> G'day Don,
>> I tell anyone that will listen, the flexibility of a DSP radio
>> means little without the rich full natural sound of a good analog
>> radio. Elecraft has done this (IMO). They have made the hobby
>> technically better without the artifactual warts.
> There are many who would disagree with this.  Whatever happened to
> the "pink noise" response experiment or the LPF that was being
> tested a few months ago.  I will agree that Elecraft have pushed the
> RF boundary but to date audio hasn't been their thing and here I'm
> not talking audiophile rubbish just good sound.  Unfortunately that
> is the interface with the human operator.
> I find myself drawn more and more back to the K2 and if I was closer
> to the action I might even consider parting with the K3.  However,
> gear that comes to out of the way locations tends to die there and
> one can always live in hope.
> Regards,
> Mike VP8NO
>      Yahoo!香港提供網上安全攻略,教你如何防範黑客! 請前往 了解更多!
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