
Im a "punch" guy and not a "hi-fi" guy.  I do hi fi at work.
 I own a couple of Heils (a BM-10 and a ProSet) with the "DX
Element" which are good for contesting but often sound a
little too "in your face" for non contest work.

I considered the Yamaha, but I find that it is sometimes
difficult to "interchange" phantom powered electrets when
traveling to other stations for contests. 

I have found a very good alternative to both in the Koss
SB-40.  It is stereo, has a 1/8 stereo plug and has all the
features of the CM500, but uses a dynamic mic.  The cord is
incredibly long, but a RipTie fixes that.  It is also a full
ear cup model with huge transducers, and fits my head more
comfortably that the ProSets do especially because I wear
glasses.  The ProSet's earcups are much harder than the
SB-40's and leave a gap.  The Koss seals around the glasses
perfectly, keeping sound out, without pushing the glasses
into my temples.

Worst thing is that it doesnt have a single outlet for the
cords on one earcup, but I consider this minor.

Admittedly, the SB-40 headphone is really "bassy".  Guess
Gamers like those big explosions to rock their heads around
(listen to Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon with these,
you will see!).  This bass effect is easily fixed with some
RX EQ,  but then K3 doesnt have much bass response, except
when using V3.25 firmware.  Wonder when that promised bass
will make its return!  Soon I hope! :)

The mic is very flat in response but shifts towards the
bassy side with a marked proximity effect, but TX
equalization takes care of that.  After processing, I can
acheive a similar sound to the DX Element but with less
harshness and a very nice bass undertone around 150-200Hz
when close-talked which, in my opinion, may add to
intelegibility on the low bands.  The K3's EQ capabilities
can make this mic sound any way you want to sound, from DX
punch to ESSB.

I still like the "penetration" of a well EQ'd DX Element in
a contest, but these are smooth and broad and seem to
complement my particular K3.  They are EXTREMELY
comfortable, more so than the ProSet, and very ruggedly
constructed, too!  

They cost around $30 at Full Compass.

I will probably use them for CQ-WW-SSB.


Message: 1
Date: Tue, 15 Sep 2009 09:11:17 -0700
From: "Jim Brown" <>
Subject: [Elecraft] Yamahs CM500 Headset
To: "Elecraft List" <>
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

On Sun, 6 Sep 2009 18:42:31 -0700, Dick Dievendorff wrote:

>I just tried out my new Yamaha CM500 as well.

Several of the guys in our contest club have bought these
and fired them up with their K3s. One of them, W6XU, brought
one to 
our meeting last night, and I tried it on. It is quite
and well built. The headphones are of the "big closed" type
 provide some isolation from noise in the shack. They are
NOT active, 
noise-cancelling type. 
The mic is a cardioid electret.   

Another of the guys, K6TD, had me listen to his on the air.
sounded very good with no tweaking of the K3, and with
produced very competitive audio. The tweaking consisted of
maximum cut on the three lowest filters, 6dB boost at 2.4
kHz, and 
10 dB boost at 3.2 kHz. I also had him kick in about 10dB of
processing. This eq is consistent with most mics designed
for SSB 
communications use (like the Shure and Heil products). The 
difference is that this headset sells for only $45 online at
Sam Ash 
with free shipping, a bit more at other vendors. For those
who don't 
know, Yamaha is a well respected audio company. 


Jim Brown K9YC

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