In talking about what kind of momentum Icom, Yaesu and Kenwood may
have lost to the K3, I risk becoming one of those religious
Elecrafters in the eyes of some.  No such intent.

I would only report that the pro-Elecraft talk that some criticize
here is NOWHERE NEAR the harsh commentary used at radio clubs for the
monumental unresponsiveness of the Japanese companies.  A sometimes
expressed sentiment is that when JA1MP died, the channel to Yaesu went
to the grave with him.

The radio contesting equivalent of NASCAR is driving K3's, and
everyone knows why.  Most of them don't give a hoot about what anyone
posts on a reflector.  We get together face-to-face, and we operate
each other's equipment.  The Japanese companies have no idea how much
ground they have lost.  Or perhaps they finally do?

One thing to remember is that the Japanese companies have had the
technology to put out their version of a K3/Orion since the original
Orion. A JA1MP would have used it.

Elecraft has Eric and Wayne.  They allow us to be harsh critics and
still listen.

That's good because we ARE harsh about our radios.

73, Guy.
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