Howdy Rolf!

It is great to hear from you! I look forward to completing a contact with you on 6m EME as soon as your line noise problem is cured ;-) wrote:
Dear Lance

You mentioned the other day on the VKlogger that I should get a K3. Several other people have come out with the same suggestion. I just wonder wether your comment was based on my mention of incurable line-noise or not.

Yes, that was why I mentioned it. The K3 has a reputation for very effective noise blanking. I have one here but don't have bad line noise.

I have heard about a new “intelligent� noise blanker that fills the holes left by blanking the noise spike, with intelligent information, sort of a continuation of the data received just prior to the start of the noise pulse. I cannot, however, find any mention of this on the web. As a matter of fact I don’t even know what rig this relates to. My impression is it might be the Flexradio SDR, but I find no mention of it on their site either…..

I was just wondering if you by chance know what I am talking about and could point me in the right direction? I actually had this idea myself several years ago, but did lack the technical knowhow to persue this any further at the time, hi.

Yes, I have heard about that, but I can't recall if it is in the K3 or not. The K3 Noise Blanker has some different components and each are variable. Of course, the firmware is being constantly updated, but I don't think there have been many changes to the NB...I don't remember seeing anybody complain that it needs enhancing!

A quick Google search resulted in some additional information for you:

There also is an audio file I found of the NB performance:

It surely would seem this could be a “kill all� solution for people in a situation like mine! Even EME could have another chance of life if this really works!

Well, one solution would be to mount two yagis side by side and elevate them...I am sure your noise would go down quickly as you begin to elevate.

But maybe there are some K3's down in PY1 region that are not too far away from you...and you could go actually try one in person. GL Rolf, and best Holiday Wishes to you too! VY 73, Lance

Any info appreciated!

Merry Xmas and a Very Happy New Year with lots of NEW ONES!

73 Rolf

Lance Collister, W7GJ (ex: WN3GPL, WA3GPL, WA1JXN, WA1JXN/C6A, ZF2OC/ZF8, 
P.O. Box 73
Frenchtown, MT  59834  USA
TEL: (406) 626-5728
2m DXCC #11/6m DXCC #815

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