Hello, Everyone:

I want to thank all of you for sharing your wisdom, ideas, and
recommendations with me for my purchase of a K3.  To be honest, I was
overwhelmed by the enthusiastic responses, and I want you all to know how
much I appreciate it.  Unless something changes my mind, based upon what
you¹ve said, I¹m leaning toward the following:

200 Watt K3 Kit
2.8 kHz filter to replace the 2.7kHz filter
1.8 kHz roofing filter
Astron RS-35A Power Supply (unless you all recommend I spend the bucks for
RS-M version with the meters
Microphone is still up in the air
Pair of basic bookshelf speakers

I¹m going to kick this configuration around for awhile before I finally
place my order.  To add to the unit in the not-too-distant future: the KBPF3
and possibly the K144XV-K (but this depends on how active I get in radio
club, so we¹ll see).

If anyone has some additional suggestions, I¹m always open to ideas.  Thanks
again for all your help.  Hopefully, in a month or so when I finally have my
station together, I can ³work² you on SSB.

Chuck Teeter
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