I like the "near end fed" which uses a small 1:4 turns ratio (1:16 Z ratio) 
toroid at 10% from the end of a half wave dipole (for whatever band).  Put 
the transformer (and tuning cap if needed) into a film canister.  This makes 
the coax length shorter/lighter for a lot of situations.   Being shorter, 
the coax could be RG174 (the very thin stuff) and ignore the loss. 
Lightweight means safer if it comes unhitched from its mounting, so reduced 
risk of damage for anybody or anything underneath if you are operating from 
hotel bedroom.

The other one I like is the zip cord antenna: you just strip apart the 
figure-of-8 cord until you get to the half wave dipole size you want.  Very 
lightweight and ok loss on the line if it's not too long.


> What recommendations are there for a travel/portable antenna. I plan to 
> use
> it from hotel rooms around the country as I travel for work.
> So far, I purchased two 100-foot rolls of 24 gage.
> Thank you very much.
> arnie
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