Dear Reflector,

Hello again.  I wish I wrote more often to say how good my K2 and KPA100 with 
KAT100 are working, but I don't.  They have been working great.

I built a KPA100 and KAT100 into an EC2 enclosure.  Everything has worked well 
for quite some time now (~1 yr.).

Today, I write with a problem: I fired up my rig and find that the SWR 
indication on the KAT100 is faulty.  Here are the symptoms, transmitting into a 
dummy load:

First, something that works properly: when I dial up the output power without 
transmitting, the PWR range LED switches from low to high at ~9 watts.

Then -- with the ATU in CAL mode -- when I hit TUNE with the power set to the 
low end of either the low- or high-power ranges none of the SWR LEDs light.  
With the K2 still in TUNE mode, as I slowly dial up the power, suddenly all of 
the SWR LEDs light.  This happens if I start at 1 watt and tune to about 5 
watts; and if I start at 10 watts and dial up to about 50 watts.

When I hit TUNE at about 1 watt and dial up the power past 9 watts, the SWR 
LEDS come on at about 5 watts, then I hear a relay click in the KAT100/KPA100 
indicating it changed power range at about 9 watts, but the PWR range LED does 
not flip from low to high and all the SWR LEDs remain lit.

I also get erratic HiRFL messages on the K2 display, but not reliably when all 
the SWR lights come on as I described above.

The K2/KPA100/KAT100 currents are normal.

Otherwise, the rig seems to perform as it did before this fault appeared.  
Output power is good, and it all seems to transmit into an antenna that I know 
is resonant and good on 20 m.

What should I check out first?

It might help to know that between the time I noticed this problem and the last 
time I used the rig, there was a thunderstorm in my area.  While I normally set 
my antenna switch to ground the antenna and project my xmitters, I did not do 
so this time.  My coax is grounded with two levels of lightening protection at 
the house: "cheap" lightening-arrester connectors outdoors followed by an 
alpha-delta coax switch with the "arc-plug" indoors.  The arc-plug is not 
"popped", or however you describe it -- it works fine still.

Perhaps a lightening pulse of some sort caught something in the SWR section of 
the KAT100???

Thanks to the community for help with this problem.


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