Hi all,

I'm all giddy because I've received the first external submission to the Electorama weblog (http://electorama.com/)

Here's an excerpt:
Crude Polling Hampers Sophisticated Political Discussions <http://electorama.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=54&mode=thread&order=0&thold=0>
wegerje writes: "/Internet based political discussion has become quite fashionable these days. The onset of the U.S. political season combined with the explosion of weblogs (Blogs) has created vibrant political websites. [..] A quick survey of the polls by anyone familiar with voting systems will soon reveal a glaring weakness among them, namely the acute need for multiple-choice and ranked polls./" Read more for an appeal to create better software for weblog polls.


I'm not sure if the author (Jeff Wegerson) is on this list, but his contact info is in the article, and I would presume he'll monitor a discussion up on Electorama should one develop.


---- Election-methods mailing list - see http://electorama.com/em for list info

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