I suggest this alternative description of Approval Voting:

Voters are asked to "approve" or "disapprove" each candidate.  Voters
may approve more than one candidate for an office.  Whoever gets the
most approval votes wins.

The reasons for proposing this are:

1.  I have twice received this objection: With Plurality voting, the sum
of the votes for all candidates for an office is less than or equal to
the number of ballots; with Approval Voting there is no such check.

Having an "approve" and "disapprove" option for each candidate provides
a similar check.

2.  To the extent that voters mark "approve" or "disapprove" for every
candidate, ballots can't be tampered with by adding approvals for some
candidate (without creating spoiled ballots).

3.  It becomes obvious that existing voting machines and software can
work with Approval Voting, because they already work with yes/no ballot

4.  It might reduce occurrence of the (bogus) "one person one vote"


- Jan

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