Applying the original posting in a 2 member district p.r. election (with 2 
distinct groups that just happen to have circular ties)-

YES votes [ONLY]       Max YES for 1st choices
22 ABC                    61
21 BCA                    61
18 CAB                    61

14 FGH                    39
13 GHF                    39
12 HFG                    39


No head to head winners

Droop = 34

   1+2        1+2+3    Final (Voting powers)
A  40          0          0
B  43         43         61   B gets the most the earliest
C  39         18          0

F  26         39          0
G  27        39           0 
H  25        39          39  (wins lottery tie)

In other words there are the 3 matrices going on--

YES matrix

      1    2     3     4    etc.   Total YES
A  A1   A2  A3   A4   etc   AT
B  B1   B2  B3     B4  etc.   BT
C  etc

Head to head matrix

       A       B     C     etc
A     X     A/B   A/C  etc
B    B/A    X    B/C   etc.

Accumulated YES matrix (high to low in each column)

1       1-2    1-3    etc.

B1     C12     D13   etc.
C1     D12     F13    etc.
A1     F12     B13    etc.
etc.   etc.      etc.

1. Vote YES/NO  [from me derived from Approval and standard issue elections] 
and number votes [from Condorcet].
2. Do head to head [from Condorcet].
3. If less than N head to head winners, then accumulate the YES position 
votes to get a Droop quota [from Bucklin and applying number voting to 
Approval] (i.e. an earlier YES ranks more than a later YES).

For proportional representation elections, there probably should also be a 
separate YES/NO and Numbers vote for Parties/Independents (as a party group) 
for the apportioning of the Droop quotas to get seats (using the method of 
equal proportions).

As usual- minorities which can not get a Droop quota would be wise to vote 
YES on additional choices in order to have some influence on the results.

That is- if the above was for a single winner office, then the F, G and H 
first choice voters may also want to vote YES for the lesser perceived evil 
of A, B or C.

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