Yesterday I put up the sign announcing that the
State Board of Elections had taken the Libertarian
Party and the Taxpayers Party off the ballot.
It did not say how you had hidden out like sewer
rats to avoid a subpoena or how the politicized
courts had looked the other way.

Three voters commented on how corrupt it was. I
couldn't discuss it in a polling place. But I have
become aware of why organizations become corrupt
from the top down not from the bottom up.

My remaining an election judge can only have two
effects both horrible. The bad reputation of the
SBOE will rub off on me, a thing I saw start during
the election. Worse, my good reputation will rub
off on the SBOE. I saw some of that too. People
respected me and that rubbed off on your ruling,
a fact that makes me feel defiled. You have used
me to criminally assult our system of free elections.

There is nothing I can do to make absolute corruption
any less absolute. I cannot give anyone back their
stolen vote. I cannot reopen closed elections. In the
polling place I cannot even protest the situation.

I believe people can join moderately corrupt
organizations and change them from the inside. History
is full of exactly that chain of events. But no one
joins the Mafia or the KKK to improve them from the
inside. Once inside such organizations their structure
makes you uniquely disqualified to promote change.

I'm sure you will find someone more to your tastes.
The Sheriff has put a list of child molesters on his
web site.

Charles Fiterman Geodesic Systems
414 North Orleans Suite 410 Phone 312 832 1221 x223
Chicago IL 60610-4418 FAX 312 832 1230

"Augusts began a campaign to promote traditional family
values with fines for adultery. But he was famous for his
adulteries often seducing the wife and daughters of the same
man. Towards the end he became obsessed with deflowering
virgins and they were brought to the palace as young as
seven." Suetonius

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