I tried two more examples at Rob's Condorcet Demo site:

The demo claimed the result of
is a two-way tie since two candidates have a largest opposition of 46.  

But that's not the same method as the Condorcet we've defined here,
which counts only opposition in pair *defeats*.  Candidate #2's "46 
opposed" were in a pairwin and should not be counted.  The method Rob 
has implemented was discussed in EM a little.

The demo correctly showed all three candidates are in the Smith set,
but it doesn't go the extra step and show the Smith//Condorcet 
winner.  That would be a useful addition to the demo, and easy to do.

The other example I tried was:
   20:2        joker

The 20 ballots with the "joker" characters were invalidated. I'd
appreciate it if Rob would modify his code so that extra characters
at the end of a ballot won't invalidate it.  This would allow users
to append names or handles to their ballots, which would help voters
verify their ballots were correctly entered. 

---Steve     (Steve Eppley    [EMAIL PROTECTED])

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