Actually, MPV inappropriately uses the "Instant-Runoff" name, because
its pairwise comparisons are very obviously _not_ instant, or
simultaneous, a fact whose unfortunate consequences make MPV only
a token symbolic reform of Plurality.

A better name for MPV would be "Automatic Successive Runoffs"
Maybe I'll suggest the "ASR" name to the cvd organization.
I will for sure, in fact. And of course anyone else is welcome
to also.

Of course Condorcet's pairwise comparisons _are_ simultaneous
& instantaneous, so there's a strong case for saying that
Condorcet has more claim to the Instant-Runoff name than
does MPV. (Even though the computer can't actually do the
pairwise comparisons of Condorcet simultaneously & instantly,
at least those words are accurate in the sense that all the
comparisons are done before changes are made, such as 
eliminating candidates).

But the Instant Runoff name was coined by MPV advocates, and
MPV advocates are known for their unwillingness to consider
any method other than MPV as a possible public proposal. So
it seems unlikely that they'd ever agree to cede the rights
to that name.



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