Because Parliamentary govt seems by far the most difficult election
reform to get--more difficult than PR, which seems surely more difficult
than single-winner reform--the question of whether the Parliamentary
system or the Presidential system is better seems moot. For practical
purposes we can't get the Parliamentary system, so we have to just
reform the Presidential system as best possible.

I prefer direct democracy, and that very likely would be easier to
get than Parliamentary govt, or even PR. Especially considering the
stong anti-politician sentiment of the public. Good, let the public
take responsibility for govt, and give up their politician scapegoats.
Of course there'd still be an executive system, completely accountable
to & replaceable by the public at any time. But the public would have
the power on all policy issues.

A good motto is from Jim Hightower: "If you want to clean up the water,
first you have to get the hogs out of the creek."



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