Supplement 3

Although Condorcet- Reverse Bucklin would produce a winner I still suggest
that there be a YES/NO vote on each choice.

All or many of the choices might be deemed unacceptable to some voters.  Even
a Condorcet winner (using only Condorcet- Reverse Bucklin) who barely wins all
of his/her head to head pairings (such as by 51 to 49) might have less than a
50 percent YES vote.

I also note the obvious-- getting John/Mary Doe SixPack to understand the math
of Condorcet- Reverse Bucklin (or virtually any other election reform method)
would be a very major chore in view of the extremely low math standards in
most countries-- especially the U.S.

However, obviously, a high percentage of all voters can understand voting YES
or NO and voting 1, 2, 3, etc.

The comparable case is that most folks do not understand nuclear physics even
though it provides about 20 (?) percent of the electrical power in the U.S.
Most folks do understand ON/OFF electrical switchs.

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