The single winner case was dealt with extensively in 1996-1997 on the EM list.

My observations were:
Each choice (assuming a limited number of choices) is acceptable or not
acceptable to a majority of the voters.  That is, there should be a YES/ NO
vote on each choice.  

If 2 or more choices get majority YES approval, then there should be a head to
head vote using Number Voting (1, 2, etc.).
(namely using a variation of the Condorcet Method). 
If 1 choice beats each other choice, then it wins.

If 3 or more choices are in a circular tie, then the choice with the lowest
number of first choice votes should lose and the head to head math should be

Thus, the above has elements of approval voting, the Condorcet method and
instant run-off.

The YES/NO votes and Number Voting votes should be done at the same time to
save time.


A        YES     3
B        NO       5
C        YES      1
D        YES      2
E        NO        4

In public elections the YES/NO votes would be in 2 columns with boxes. 

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