Mike S wrote:

"We should get our old rules up to date.  I propose we work to re-pass as many
of our existing rules as we can, and after one year all old rules which have
not been re-passed will automatically expire."

Don writes: This is the best policy - the policy of bringing an old rule up
for review and making it face the new passing requirement.

     But I do not agree the our lawmaking body be under the pressure to
re-pass as many of our existing rules as we can within a year. There are
thousands of laws on the books. Many may not need a review.

     The routine that I favor is to allow some percentage of the body, like
ten percent, to call forward an old law for review. Changes can be made to
the old law during the review. If the law passes the new passing
requirement then it continues to be a law on the books. If the old law
fails to pass then it is no longer a law.

     Once any law, new or old, passes the new passing requirement it will
require the same passing requirement to overturn it.

     There should be no time limit in which an old law can be called up for


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