The Western Australian system requires strict preferences, the Queensland
system does not. There's speculation that this fact will bear heavily on
the outcome of next Saturday's polls.

On Tue, 13 Feb 2001, Ken & Karla wrote:

> LAYTON Craig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote, in part:
> >
> >Some people are beginning to question the wisdom of a preferential system
> >because it appears to be conferring an inordinate amount of power onto this
> >lunatic party (the power to topple governments).
> =====
> [KB]  Does the Australian system require a voter to rank every candidate for
> an office else the ballot is invalid?  If so, would the distressing results
> you've mentioned likely be different if voters could rank fewer than all the
> candidates?
> Thank you.
>   --Ken Bearman
>     Minneapolis Minnesota

"You have the right to scream your head off. Should you give up the right
to scream your head off, someone who screams _their_ head off will be
provided for you."
        Grouch cop, "Elmo in Grouchland"

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