All methods- vote in the box(es) to the right/left of each candidate's name.

Vote for 1 by putting an "X" in the box  next to your choice.

[My actual ballots just say-- Vote for 1]

Vote for 1 or more by putting an "X" in the box next to each of your 

Number Voting-
Vote "1" for your first choice, Vote "2" for your second choice, and so forth.

Put an X next to each choice in the YES or NO column (but NOT both).

Sample ballots will obviously have to be produced with more complex methods 
for the circa 30 percent of voters who are functionally illiterate.

Many wrongly voted ballots may be expected with any change from plurality.

Due to lots of terrible handwriting these days, number voting may have to 
wait for electronic voting devices.

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