Mr. Simmons wrote in part-

Can anything be salvaged from IRV?  I think so: it's an ill wind indeed
that blows no good at all.

One idea implicit in IRV is this:  Keep eliminating the worst candidates
from the rankings until the best choice among the remaining candidates is

The idea is appealing. I like it, and I suppose it is part of the reason
that IRV (which claims to implement it faithfully) has garnered so much
D- Again ----

H = Hitler, S = Stalin, W = Washington, George

34 HWS
33 SWH
16 WSH
16 WHS

With IRV, W loses.
H beats S by 50 to 49.

IRV will aggrevate plurality extremists.

W happens to be a Condorcet Winner.

In a YES/NO vote, who is the most likely to get the highest YES majority ???

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