
> There's been some mention here about bad Condorcet winners. Presumably
> that's Condorcet winners who don't have high first choice totals.

> Bad for whom? Who is wronged when we elect such a Condorcet winner.
> The majority who prefer him to A? The majority who prefer him to C?

Condorcet is bad for the candidates who would have won under plurality
runoffs or IRV but lose under Condorcet!

I've also met a number of people, who when I talked about IRV, they were
deathly afraid it would have allowed Nader to win the presidency. IRV never
helps a weak middle win, but Condorcet will. It actually took me a while to
convince my cousin that he actually preferred Bush to Nader second. He
assumed he would somehow be forced to vote Nader second.

Well, this shows that in a Condorcet election voters must take lower
preferences more seriously than in IRV.

> Tom, do you accept the poll on polling topics? And, since, with Voter's
> Choice a voter can designate Runoff Approval, do you accept that more
> general voting system?

I'm still counting in the month election - 28 ballots so far. I'm hoping for
50 - everyone keep sending them!!!

I'm not very interest in technical subject polls since I'm asking everyone I
can get to participate.

I'm afraid I haven't paid enough attention to understand Voter's Choice.

I'm basically content now to work with simple Approval and actual runoff

If we're going to do systematic test elections, I won't participate to
include Approval unless single-vote Plurality is also included since they
are the ones I'm interested in comparing now.

Tom Ruen

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2001 11:36 PM
Subject: [EM] Bad Condorcet winners?

> There's been some mention here about bad Condorcet winners. Presumably
> that's Condorcet winners who don't have high first choice totals.
> Bad for whom? Who is wronged when we elect such a Condorcet winner.
> The majority who prefer him to A? The majority who prefer him to C?
> Or some less-than-majority group that doesn't agree with  one of
> those majorities?
> Voter's Choice brings out the desirability of Condorcet. As I said,
> no matter what method you prefer, it's obviously in your own best
> interest to designate Condorcet. IRV is going to often miss, and
> not pick the best you can get, for instance. No matter how much Don
> likes IRV, it will often misplace his Plurality vote or his Approval
> cutoff point.
> On another topic:
> Tom, do you accept the poll on polling topics? And, since, with Voter's
> Choice a voter can designate Runoff Approval, do you accept that more
> general voting system?
> Mike Ossipoff
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