>> Subject: [EM] Florida 2001 Election Reform Law

Although it doesn't say so in the article you passed along,
as I recall the bill also prohibits lever machines.  And yet
those have been shown to be more reliable than the optiscan
machines.  The Florida law is the typical traffic light
installed only after someone gets run over.  Intersections
known to be just as dangerous get nothing.  It's not

>> The law can be seen at

>> http://www.leg.state.fl.us/Welcome/index.cfm

>> Type in S1118 in the upper left box and download the
>> enrolled bill pdf (103 pages).

>> One of the fraudulent *reforms* is abolishing the top 2
>> runoff primary in Florida *only* in 2002 (i.e. to make it
>> easier for incumbent legislators to win the 2002 plurality
>> winner primary elections).

>> Thus, as far as I know---

>> 41 States will have plurality primary winners

>> 9 States will have top 2 runoff primaries for the 2001-
>> 2002 new U.S. Representative and State legislature
>> gerrymanders due to the 2000 U.S.A. Census.

>> Plurality winners in general elections in all 50 States.

>> My standard general comment- any election reform method in
>> the U.S.A. has to be rather simple (due to simple-minded
>> politicians and judges and, of course, a fairly large
>> percentage of moron voters -- whatever method is being
>> used.).

>> Folks in many other countries with more accurate election
>> methods are political light-years ahead of the U.S.A.
>> -------

>> Jeb Bush signs Florida ban on punch card ballots

>> WEST PALM BEACH, Fla., May 9 (Reuters) - In the county at
>> the heart of last November's disputed presidential
>> election, Gov. Jeb Bush signed an election reform law on
>> Wednesday to end the era of punch cards, hanging chads and
>> butterfly ballots in Florida.

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