>> From: Adam Tarr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Subject: Re: [EM] World Series and EC

>> But most importantly, I think the analogy is a poor one,
>> because we expect and desire this inconsistency in
>> baseball, and sports in general.  Not only is the World
>> Series inconsistent due to the multi-game format (why not
>> just play one 60 inning game over a few days?) but scoring
>> is made erratic by the inning breakdown in games (why not
>> just give a team 27 outs in a row to each team?)

We could also point out that political parties don't trade
candidates -- one Demo Secratary of State for two Repub
Senators, that kind of thing.

The idea of an analogy is only that two situations are
similar in one particular aspect.  They may be radically
different in other ways.  And this one was as much for humor
as anything else.  It shouldn't be taken too seriously.

>> These erratic effects are by design.  We say "may the best
>> team win" because, on some level, we are aware that they
>> may not.  This uncertainty is part of the excitement of
>> sports: sports are filled with surprising heroes and
>> storybook last-second wins.  This is the stuff of dreams
>> and it sells tickets.

>> These are NOT properties I want in an election method.  I
>> do not want any fringe, "Cinderella" candidate to be able
>> to capture the presidency on "any given November."  I do
>> not want to see "hope spring eternal" for the American
>> Nazi party.  I want boring, predictable elections where
>> the best candidate wins.

>> -Adam

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