> Your standard, you once said, is to elect the candidate most likely
> to be the absolute best. But most would probably agree that there's
> no such thing as the best candidate, in an absolute sense. Some
> candidates are best for some people, other candidates are best for
> other people. Looking for the candidate most likely to be the
> absolute best, you're chasing an apparition. 

You haven't actually brought out an argument in favour of your position. 
 The fact that there exist candidates that are best for some people 
isn't in dispute and doesn't address the issue.

Imagine an island where two men have fallen into a dispute.  Each man's 
position is better for him, in that it is in his narrowly defined 
self-interest.  Is it possible to say that one position is right?  It's 
pretty hard to maintain that there is no dispute they could have where 
one position is in the right.  For example, if one man decided he should 
be allowed to eat the other man, not because of starvation, but just 
taste.  I think it would be hard to argue that both positions are best 
for the individual, and that's all that can be said.  If each wanted to 
be Island President, we would have to conclude that there is an absolute 
best choice.

But if you acknowledge an absolute best option in this case, then 
presumably you believe there can be best candidates.  You could say that 
this is a rare occurrence.  But on what grounds?  I think you'll find 
that an even more precarious position to take.

The second problem with your position is that all our arguments are 
predicated on there being a right answer.  I mean, plurality is best for 
the current government.  Maybe it isn't best for anyone else, although 
that seems implausible.  But unless we are willing to say that one side 
*should* prevail, we can't make any recommendations.  In fact, for those 
cases where there is no absolute best candidate, I don't see how it can 
matter who wins.  Presumably different candidates are better for 
different people, but there is no candidate who we can say *should* win. 
 If there were, he or she would be the absolute best choice.

Blake Cretney

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