
Hi DemoRepoMan,

My favorite `If' saying is:  "If a Frog had Wings he wouldn't bump his Ass"


  ------------ Original Letter -----------
Date: Sat, 9 Feb 2002 21:25:19 EST
Subject: RE: 02/06/02 - Adam's 02/02 example of three equal candidates:

Richard wrote in part-

IF your polling information is very accurate and very detailed, and IF you
have enough numbers in your faction to dictate a dominant strategy, and IF
your factions members have similar utilities so they can be counted on to
act in solidarity with the group strategy,
and IF you can accurately predict how the other factions will react, and IF
you can communicate your group strategy to the (millions of) members of
your faction, and IF you can guarantee a sufficient turnout from your
faction, and IF no more than a tiny percentage of your group members foul
up your numbers by going with their individual strategies instead of the
dictated ballots, and IF the other faction(s) whose cooperation is
necessary does (do) in fact cooperate, THEN your group strategy might work.

D- Nine IFs, one THEN.

If *ifs and buts* were candy and nuts, it would be Christmas every day ------
one of my relatives favorite sayings.

IF there is an election, THEN somebody might/will win (depending on what
method is used) ???

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