I sent the raw data but to my list.
This is why a made a different list.
Since my poll is recursive, it
generates a lot of stuff and
I did not want to "pollute" the EM list
with the nominees lists, tie-breakers
discussion, and so on...
>From the 48 members of the EM list, just
8 have decided to join my list,
so I think I was right most EM members
were not interested to participate.
I have tried another way to get Mr.Ossipoff a member of my list.
I hope it works. However I will put more information
in the contests summaries I send to the EM list.

Steph, engineer.

For more information about this list (subscribe, unsubscribe, FAQ, etc), 
please see http://www.eskimo.com/~robla/em

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