Forest wrote in part-

Who would object to "Bucklin Done Right" if they were told ... "Put two
check marks next to your favorite's name, and one mark next to the name of
each acceptable alternative.  If nobody's favorite gets a majority, then
the candidate acceptable to the greatest number of voters is declared

D- Desired (none, 1 or more) > Compromise (none, 1 or more) > Unacceptable 
(none, 1 or more).

two check marks = 1 (one at most)
one check mark = 2 (one or more)

No explicit voting of YES or NO.

Since Number Votes (1, 2, 3, etc.) will be used in IRV areas, this whole 
discussion is somewhat obsolete.

Number Votes are here -- what is done with them is now the question ---- the 
ultra-dangerous IRV which uses ONLY PART of the Number Votes data in a  Place 
Votes Table or something that uses ALL the Number Votes data in a Place Votes 

Example - 5 choices

Some of the more obvious uses of ALL (or at least a majority of the data).

No first place majority.

Sum the first 4 place votes


Sum the first 3 place votes (some choice will have the highest majority/ 
plurality)   -- possibly requiring that the voters vote for at least 3 
choices to get majorities.

Place vote tables have problems with clones.

This is old stuff that I have gone over many times.

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