I like Raphael's idea of giving each voter three copies of the current lottery 
in exchange for one lottery's worth of papers.
Let's call his idea the DLE(1/3) enhancement in contrast to my original 
suggestion of  DLE(1/2).
In general, suppose that n copies of the current lottery are exchanged for m<n 
lottery's worth of papers.  In that case if each candidate has more than the 
fraction  m/n  of first place support, then the random ballot lottery will be 
an equilibrium lottery of  DLE(m/n).
So for example, if there are three candidates with first place support, and 
each of them has more than 30 percent first place support, then the random 
ballot lottery will be unchanged by the enhancement that exchanges ten copies 
for three copies worth.
Suppose a country has three major distinct ethnic groups with more than 20 
percent of the population each.  Why not use a DLE(1/5) equilibrium lottery?
If there is more than one equilibrium, use the one among those with greatest 
support (i.e. greatest number of candidates with positive probability) that 
maximizes the minimum probability.
I also suggest that an additional rule be put into effect that each voter can 
declare at the outset a subset of the candidates that she does not have to 
support, not withstanding the m/n rule.  In other words, if the m/n probability 
extends down into the voter's truncated candidates, the voter does not have to 
return a full  m/n  fraction of the papers  (but all of the papers with 
non-truncated names must still be returned).
In the case of the normal distribution of candidates, the DLE(1/6) lottery 
enhancement would (roughly) amount to requiring each candidate to return the 
papers corresponding to the the candidates that they percieve to be more than 
one standard deviation above the expected winner, since in a normal 
distribution about 16 percent of the probability lies more than one standard 
deviation to the right of the mean.
A DLE(1/4) lottery enhancement would ask the voters to return the papers of the 
upper quartile candidates.
The DLE(1/3) lottery doesn't seem so far out when considered in comparison with 
these others.
Which would work best in the case of
49 C
24 B
27 A>B
given the truncation rule?
Are there any other interesting cases that could help calibrate the DLE(m/n) 
Personally, another reason that I like m/n < 1/2  is that  DLE(1/2) is too 
likely to make all of the lottery support go to the Condorcet Winner when there 
is one.
Such behavior tends to encourage burial strategy in cases like
40 A>C>B
30 B>C>A
30 C>A>B ,
since going from a pure C win to a non-trivial lottery is likely to benefit the 
40 A>C>B
faction if they bury C below B.
Thanks for reading.


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