IEVS ran for a few days using honest voters and random normal utilities.
I have now also implemented Venzke's "vote for and against" method (which is 
the same as mine) under the name "VenzkeDisqPlur"; and 
Condorcet//Approval and UncoveredSet, bringing us up to 39 voting methods.
(Your contributions will be welcomed...)
But none of those were written when I ran this sim. 
[It appears with honest voters VenzkeDisqPlur is better than Plurality but
worse than Top2Runoff, becoming the same as Plurality if there are a lot of 
UncoveredSet is better than the Smith and Schwartz sets, but not by much.]

Strategic voting is not yet ready to roll.  However, you can for example regard
"honest-approval" as the same thing as "strategic range voting" 
(which by the way is not quite true...)  and hence are
in a position to make some comparisons.  You will find, for example, that
under the sim conditions strategic zero-info range is superior to honest 
honest DMC, honest Raynaud, honest SmithIRV,
and honest IRV, which seems a severe indictment of those systems
and is contrary to many peoples' intuition.  For example (just to rub that in),
Chris Benham has at various times informed me that ER-Bucklin, SmithIRV, and DMC
were his favorite methods and he disliked Range voting because of its strategic 
in particular the fact zero-info strategic range voting is not the same as 
honest range
voting.  But the sim shows that even with fully honest voters, all of those 
systems perform worse than Range even with 100% strategic (zero-info) voters.
I conclude from this that the zero-info honesty criterion can and does mislead 

Source code:
Here are some results.

(NumVoters=1535, NumCands=7, NumElections=1999999, IgnoranceAmplitude=0.001000)
The voting methods with BayesianRegret < 10 have * and those with BR<6 have **.
Method, & BayesianRegrets & #Agreements with Condorcet Winner (when CW exists)
0=SociallyBest                  0         909726   **
1=SociallyWorst            105.95            115
2=RandomWinner            52.9372         180594
3=Plurality               21.0808         572465
4=Borda                   4.54339         1063164  **
5=IRV                     11.4525         1071832
6=Approval                9.57248         820661   *
7=Range                   2.34923         968687   **
8=SchulzeBeatpaths        7.65854         1262175  *
9=SmithSet                15.1901         1262175
10=SchwartzSet            15.1545         1262175
11=CondorcetLR            7.34944         1262175  *
12=Top2Runoff             14.0468         860532
13=SimpsonKramer          7.80134         1262175  *
14=Bucklin                12.3466         835287
15=Copeland                8.2384         1262175  *
16=SimmonsCond            7.94824         1262175  *
17=SmithIRV                9.7471         1262175  *
18=BTRIRV                 9.18064         1262175  *
19=DMC                    10.8252         1262175
20=Dabagh                 13.9448         747406
21=VtForAgainst           11.6002         757580
22=AntiPlurality          21.7252         550365
23=PlurIR                 14.0468         860532
24=Black                   5.6356         1262175  **
25=RandomBallot           51.6386         191308
26=RandomPair              37.874         334004
27=NansonBaldwin          9.50171         1262175
28=Nauru                   10.427         835902
29=TopMedianRating        8.95933         775247
30=LoMedianRank           52.9952         180459
31=RaynaudElim            10.3868         1262175
32=ArrowRaynaud           8.03927         1254525  *
33=Sinkhorn               4.54255         1061707  **
34=KeenerEig              4.54734         1066258  **
35=MDDA                   7.56647         1262175  *

(NumVoters=1535, NumCands=3, NumElections=1999999, IgnoranceAmplitude=0.001000)
The voting methods with BayesianRegret < 6 have *.
Method, & BayesianRegrets & #Agreements with Condorcet Winner (when CW exists)
0=SociallyBest                  0         1353746   *
1=SociallyWorst           66.2759          79391
2=RandomWinner            33.1834         607348
3=Plurality               8.78614         1389914
4=Borda                    5.0884         1644984   *
5=IRV                     6.82907         1757694
6=Approval                 5.1228         1381587   *
7=Range                   3.81388         1528868   *
8=SchulzeBeatpaths        6.00479         1825359
9=SmithSet                6.69801         1825359
10=SchwartzSet             6.6996         1825359
11=CondorcetLR            6.00539         1825359
12=Top2Runoff              6.8306         1757781
13=SimpsonKramer          6.00364         1825359
14=Bucklin                8.92371         1374589
15=Copeland               6.69666         1825359
16=SimmonsCond            6.51225         1825359
17=SmithIRV               6.51254         1825359
18=BTRIRV                 6.19843         1825359
19=DMC                     6.6959         1825359
20=Dabagh                 5.10445         1645045   *
21=VtForAgainst           5.06958         1645046   *
22=AntiPlurality          8.92968         1374611
23=PlurIR                  6.8306         1757781
24=Black                  5.78931         1825359   *
25=RandomBallot           32.3044         629469
26=RandomPair             21.4056         1014263
27=NansonBaldwin          6.44418         1825359
28=Nauru                  6.17584         1551182
29=TopMedianRating        5.12254         1381527   *
30=LoMedianRank           33.3714         602651
31=RaynaudElim            6.70031         1825359
32=ArrowRaynaud           6.00212         1825359
33=Sinkhorn               5.08644         1636869   *
34=KeenerEig              5.09094         1653486   *
35=MDDA                   5.65242         1825359   *

Warren D Smith
election-methods mailing list - see for list info

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