Form a matrix M whose entry in row  i  and column  j  is the percentage of 
ballots on which alternative  j  is the highest ranked alternative that is not 
majority defeated by alternative  i.
[By definition no alternative is majority defeated by itself, so if every 
alternative ranked higher than alternative i is majority defeated by i, then 
alternative i itself is the highest ranked alternative that is not majority 
defeated by i.]
Each column of M sums to 100 percent, so M is a stochastic matrix.  In fact, M 
is the transition matrix for the following Markov process:
Given an alternative A(k), let A(k+1) be the highest ranked alternative that 
isn't majority defeated by A(k) on a randomly chosen (and replaced) ballot.
To each initial probability distribution vector V  there corresponds a steady 
state distribution vector  V' = MV which can be approximated by pre-multiplying 
V by a high power of M.  In the limit of infinitely many iterations (of  V 
replaced by M times previous V)  we get  V' . 
For our proposed lottery method we take the initial state vector  V to consist 
of the random ballot probabilities for the respective alternatives.
Then the lottery determined by the 100th power of  M times V is equivalent to 
choosing A(0) in the (above mentioned Markov process) by random ballot, and 
letting A(100) be the winner.
If I am not mistaken, increasing the rank of alternative  i  relative to the 
other alternatives cannot decrease the steady state probability of  alternative 
Also, if alternative i  is replaced by a clone set {x,y,z}, then the steady 
state probabilities of the other alternatives are not affected.  And, 
furthermore, the steady state probabilities of x, y, and z will be in the same 
relative proportion as they would be if all of the other alternatives were 
deleted from the ballots.
Now let's leave the realm of non-determinism for awhile and consider an idea 
for a related deterministic method:
Let v1, v2, v3, etc. be the initial state vectors consist of all zeros except 
for a one in the respective positions 1, 2, 3, etc.
Let  v1', v2', v3', etc. be the corresponding steady state vectors.
The alternative i that loses the least probability in going from vi to vi' is 
the winner.
I don't have time to post any examples right now, but I will later.


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